Content strategy: Why less is more

by | Nov 15, 2023 | Content, Digital Marketing, SEO

In the article “Content Overflow – and How to Experience Success by Moving Beyond It” co-authored by Rebecca Steurer, concerns about the excessive quantity of digital content and its impact on marketing success are addressed. The issue lies in the focus on producing high volumes of content, often without direct value to the audience, instead of prioritizing the effectiveness of content in building awareness, generating leads, and converting customers. This trend is further exacerbated by the emergence of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, which can lead to a flood of content that fails to provide meaningful information to the audience.

The article emphasizes the negative effects of content overflow on website performance, citing instances where overly dense content and bloated websites led to compromised search rankings and a strained crawl budget. The authors present a case study of the U.S. Army recruiting website,, to illustrate the success of a project that focused on content consolidation and strategic elimination of non-essential pages. The revamp led to a significant reduction in the number of URLs on the site, resulting in improved search rankings, increased traffic, and higher conversions.

Another example provided is the experience of IBM, where a large-scale reduction of pages on their website resulted in enhanced traffic and conversions. The article also acknowledges Google’s efforts to prioritize quality content over quantity through its helpful content update, signifying the importance of producing valuable, well-structured content that meets E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) guidelines.

Furthermore, the article offers key tips for creating an audience-focused website, including the importance of knowing one’s niche, consolidating and eliminating redundant content, and ensuring that all content provides value to the target audience. The goal is to create a leaner website that is more attuned to the needs of the audience, delivering high-quality, comprehensive content that aligns with the website’s content mission.

Overall, the article presents a compelling argument for moving beyond content overflow by prioritizing quality over quantity, and offers actionable insights for marketers and website managers to create an effective, audience-focused digital experience.

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