Wordfence CLI 2.1.0 Adds Email Capability and Unattended Configuration

Digital Marketing, Wordfence CLI

Wordfence, the command line tool for rapid scanning of WordPress websites, has recently released version 2.1.0, introducing two new features. The first feature allows users to receive email summaries of scan results for both malware and vulnerability scans. This email functionality can be configured to send notifications directly to the user or through an external SMTP server. The feature is designed to alert users when Wordfence CLI detects malware or finds a vulnerable plugin or theme, addressing a common user request.

The second new capability is a non-interactive configuration option, which enables Wordfence CLI to be deployed at scale and unattended by operations teams using configuration management systems. This feature eliminates the need for users to run CLI in interactive mode, making it easier for large network administrators to deploy CLI automatically across multiple servers and environments.

To receive email summaries of scan results, users can configure Wordfence CLI by using the command “wordfence malware-scan –email” followed by the email address. The email will only be sent when the scan detects malware or vulnerabilities. Additionally, CLI can be set up to use an external SMTP server, with the recommendation to store SMTP credentials in the INI file. The new email functionality is fully documented and available for reference.

The non-interactive configuration option allows Wordfence CLI to be automatically set up and deployed, without needing to go through prompts to create the initial INI file. Users can configure CLI with parameters such as license request, terms acceptance, number of workers, and default settings. This is particularly beneficial for deployments across various systems with differing configurations. Additionally, a new subcommand “wordfence terms” has been introduced, allowing users to view the current terms of service for CLI.

Version 2.1.0 of Wordfence CLI also includes bug fixes, enhancing the overall functionality and reliability of the tool. The full changelog is available for review.

Overall, the new features in Wordfence CLI 2.1.0 provide enhanced capabilities for users, enabling automated email notifications of scan results and non-interactive configuration options for streamlined deployment at scale. The updates demonstrate Wordfence’s commitment to meeting user needs and improving the efficiency of security operations for WordPress websites.

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