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Get Ready for the Divi 5 Public Alpha Release

The long-awaited Divi 5 Public Alpha is here! Divi 5 marks a significant milestone in web design with its emphasis on performance, stability, and scalability. The release is a crucial step towards Divi 5’s official release, allowing users to test and provide feedback to ensure the final product is as polished as possible. This summary covers noteworthy points and introduces the key takeaways to better understand what Divi 5 brings to the table.

Divi 5 is a complete rebuild aimed at future-proofing your web design projects by enhancing core functionalities. The journey began with the planning phase, recognizing the need for improved performance and scalability. In 2021, the development team shifted focus from Divi 4 to build a robust foundation for Divi 5.

February 2023 saw the release of the Developer Alpha, introducing the new Divi 5 API. This was followed by the Developer Beta in August 2023β€”a more stable version tailored for third-party developers. Fast forward to September 2024, the Public Alpha is now ready for testing.

The Divi 5 Public Alpha introduces a host of features including a new interface, enhanced performance, and the elimination of shortcodes. The new storage format boosts performance and aligns with the future direction of WordPress. Although the Public Alpha is not production-ready, it provides a glimpse into the future of web design, particularly with noticeable improvements in page load times and the Visual Builder interface.

Now is your chance to contribute to this ambitious project by helping identify bugs and providing feedback. Download the Divi 5 Public Alpha on a test site, explore new features, and report any issues you encounter. Your insights will help shape the final product, ensuring it’s stable and efficient for everyone.

Here is an opportunity to witness and participate in the evolution of web design. Get started by downloading the Divi 5 Public Alpha here, and make your contribution today.

Key Takeaways

  • Divi 5 Public Alpha Release: The first major step towards the official launch of Divi 5.
  • Complete Overhaul: Focus on performance, stability, and scalability.
  • New API: Allows developers to build and customize Divi in new ways.
  • Improved Visual Builder: Enhanced speed and user experience.
  • Goodbye Shortcodes: Improved storage format for better performance.


What is Divi 5 Public Alpha?
The Divi 5 Public Alpha is an early version for testing and feedback. It is not yet suitable for live production sites.

How can I contribute to improving Divi 5?
Download the Public Alpha, install it on a test site, test its features, and report any bugs or issues through the designated support channels.

What are the major improvements in Divi 5?
Divi 5 boasts a new interface, faster performance, a new storage format, and a more powerful API.

Is it safe to use Divi 5 Public Alpha on a live site?
No, it’s recommended to use the Public Alpha only on test sites as it is still under development.

Where can I find support for Divi 5?
Support can be accessed through your Members Area on the Divi website. Follow the steps to report bugs and provide feedback.

By participating in this alpha phase, you play a crucial role in refining Divi 5. Together, we can build a more robust and high-performing tool for the future of web design.

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