Top 10 PPC expert columns of 2023 on Search Engine Land

Digital Marketing, PPC

The article discusses the most-read and must-read Search Engine Land PPC columns of 2023, contributed by expert Subject Matter Experts. The aim of these columns is to provide in-depth knowledge and insights into the constantly changing landscape of paid search, paid social, and display advertising.

The first column by Menachem Ani discusses how to avoid repeating serious mistakes that advertisers have made with their Performance Max campaigns. The second column also by Menachem Ani addresses the challenges of getting Performance Max to work for lead generation programs without offline conversion data.

Adriana Stein provides five tips for using Google Ads retargeting with various sources such as email, organic traffic, cross-device tracking, direct mail, and social media. Chelsea So’s column focuses on maintaining or improving performance in Google Ads and preparing for the removal of high-quality audiences.

Greg Finn’s column highlights the fundamental changes in Google Ads recommendations and advises caution in applying these recommendations. Benjamin Wenner introduces the Hagakure method, a modern approach to Google Ads management that combines simplicity and automation for better results.

Frederick Vallaeys offers a script that provides Google Performance Max (GPT) with account facts to generate a performance summary for sharing with clients and stakeholders. Jason Tabeling explores real-world examples of using a feature to speed up PPC data processing and visualization.

Another column by Frederick Vallaeys provides a script to leverage GPT’s API to use the maximum number of Responsive Search Ads (RSA) assets and boost paid search campaigns. Lastly, Amy Hebdon discusses using ChatGPT to enhance paid search efforts without sacrificing strategy, authenticity, or creativity.

These articles provide valuable insights into optimizing PPC campaigns, avoiding common mistakes, and leveraging automation and AI tools available in Google Ads. The authors, who are recognized subject matter experts, share practical tips and strategies for PPC professionals to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital advertising landscape. Overall, the articles offer a comprehensive resource for PPC experts to stay informed, solve problems, and navigate the challenges of paid search and display advertising.

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