9 interesting Google patents from 2023 and what they mean for SEO

Digital Marketing, Google, SEO

Google patents are valuable resources for understanding the search engine giant’s latest innovations and priorities for improving search technology. This article delves into nine interesting Google patents from 2023, analyzing their potential implications for the future of SEO. It is important to note that just because Google files and publishes a patent application, it does not guarantee that the methods outlined will be implemented in Google Search. To determine if Google finds a methodology or technology compelling enough to use in practice, one can check if the patent is pending in the U.S. and other countries. It is also important to note that even if a patent doesn’t directly translate into practice, examining Google’s patents is valuable as it provides insights into the subjects and challenges Google’s product developers focus on.

The article first discusses a patent related to search result filters from resource content, which is designed to enhance search experiences by dynamically generating search query filters tailored to the content of resources (like webpages) relevant to a user’s query. This system provides a refined, user-focused search experience and has significant implications for SEO, emphasizing the need for varied, rich, and relevant content that aligns well with potential search filters, keyword optimization, aligning with user intent, staying on top of emerging trends, and enhancing user engagement.

The second patent discusses a system and method for assessing the accuracy of human interpretations of search queries, incorporating two distinct models to determine the accuracy of a human interpretation of a search query. This patent implicitly addresses search intent, focusing on the accuracy of human interpretations of search queries. This has implications for SEO in terms of emphasizing accurate query interpretation, the importance of context and temporality, adaptation to search refinements, and leveraging natural language processing (NLP).

The third patent focuses on providing search results based on a compositional query, as Google is increasingly evolving Search into an entity-based search engine. This patent could be a piece of the puzzle to better understand entities and deliver relevant results according to entities.

In conclusion, the analysis and understanding of these patents are crucial for SEO strategies in order to align with and optimize content based on dynamic search filters, accurate query interpretation, context and temporality, search refinements, leveraging NLP, and understanding entities. These patents offer valuable insights into Google’s priorities and innovations, providing valuable information for SEO professionals and businesses aiming to improve their search visibility and relevance.

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