Google adds reports for learning video rich results

by | Nov 13, 2023 | Digital Marketing, Google Search Console, Google SEO, SEO

Google has recently introduced new reporting in the performance reports of Google Search Console for learning video rich results. These reports are accessible under the search appearance section of the performance report, specifically for websites that have learning video structured data.

The report displays learning video rich results and also provides users with a sample screenshot of what the report looks like. These learning video rich results were supported by Google back in June 2022 and are described as videos that offer educational content with learning-specific information and structured data. This includes information about the concepts and skills covered in the video.

Google has also recently added support for learning video rich results and has included a sample screenshot to illustrate what these rich results look like, although they have yet to be seen in the wild. Google specifies that learning video results will appear in English in all regions where Google Search is available, specifically when searching for academic learning content on both desktop and mobile devices.

The significance of this new feature is that website owners with learning video rich results can now monitor their performance within Google Search. The reports provided include impressions, clicks, and other analytics data that can help these website owners determine whether they are receiving a better response within Google Search from these rich results.

Ultimately, this new feature offers website owners valuable insights into the performance of their learning video rich results within Google Search. By providing analytics data like impressions and clicks, it allows them to measure the effectiveness of these rich results and make necessary adjustments to their content strategy.

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