Google performance reports updates how it counts clicks and impressions for job listing and detail pages

Digital Marketing, Google Search Console, Google SEO, SEO

Google has recently made changes to how it counts clicks and impressions for job listing and detail pages within the Search Console performance reports. This change in reporting, which took effect on January 9, 2024, has resulted in an increase in clicks and impressions when filtering by job listings and detail pages. However, it is important to note that this increase does not reflect actual growth, but rather a more accurate reporting of the number of impressions and clicks across various job experiences in Search.

It is essential to understand that these changes are specific to reporting within Google Search Console and do not indicate any alterations to how or where job listings and detail pages are displayed within Google Search. Additionally, Google has provided more detailed information on how these metrics work in its help documentation.

It is important for businesses to take note of these changes in reporting when analyzing impression and click data for job listing and detail pages. Any increase in these metrics should be attributed to the reporting change, rather than any adjustments made by Google or within Google Search itself.

In conclusion, while Google has not made any changes to the actual display or placement of job listings and detail pages within its search results, the company has updated the way it evaluates and reports clicks and impressions for these pages within the Search Console performance reports. This clarification is important for businesses to avoid misunderstanding the data and falsely attributing any increase in metrics to actual growth. It is recommended to annotate any observed changes in reporting to indicate that they are a result of the reporting change and not reflective of any other changes made by Google or within Google Search.

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