How to spot potential in SEO candidates

by | Nov 15, 2023 | Digital Marketing, Leadership and management, SEO

In the article, “How to hire for SEO roles, based on your current team’s skills,” the author discusses the importance of hiring SEO candidates based on their potential abilities rather than solely on their current experience or skills. The author emphasizes the value of spotting good SEO candidates with the potential to learn and develop, as this can lead to a broader pool of candidates and a team of people with diverse approaches and perspectives.

The article suggests creating a list of non-negotiable skills for the SEO role by prioritizing the most important skills based on their impact on key metrics and the role’s requirements in the first 90 days. It recommends defining the bare minimum level of ability necessary for the role, taking into account the level of skills that previous employees in the role were able to accomplish. Additionally, it advises considering potential dealbreakers, such as skills that would be too time-consuming or difficult to teach.

The author also stresses the importance of essential soft skills in SEO roles, such as critical thinking, adaptability, and creativity, which are crucial for building technical skills. Furthermore, the article highlights the significance of looking for candidates who demonstrate an interest and capacity to learn, as well as possessing a learning mindset.

Interview questions to test learning ability are provided as a way to assess candidates’ passion for learning and their ability to take on new challenges and develop their skills. The article also suggests considering candidates with translatable experience that is similar to the role being hired for, even if it is not explicitly outlined in their resume.

After selecting a new hire, the article advises creating a tailored onboarding plan based on the new hire’s skill portfolio. This plan should focus on the skills that the new hire is strongest and weakest in, as well as those that are critical in the first 30 days. It also recommends providing standard training sessions to set expectations and teach best practices, regardless of the new hire’s existing skills.

In summary, the article provides valuable insights into the hiring process for SEO roles, emphasizing the importance of evaluating candidates based on their potential abilities, essential skills, and soft skills, as well as developing a tailored onboarding plan to bring out the potential in new hires.

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