Threads now has its own version of hashtags

Digital Marketing, Meta, Paid social, PPC, Threads

Meta’s Threads has introduced a new feature called “topic tags” that is now accessible to all users worldwide. This feature acts like hashtags by enhancing search functionality within the app. Marketers can utilize this new feature to engage with users and create organic traffic, even though ads are not currently available on Threads. The use of topic tags simplifies the process for users to discover posts and engage with brands.

There are some fundamental differences between topic tags and hashtags. Unlike hashtags, topic tags do not require brands to use the “#” symbol when adding tags. They also support phrases with spaces and special characters. Additionally, only one tag is allowed per post, indicating a more focused engagement approach. Threads aims to enhance the quality of its communities by introducing this new tagging approach, moving away from engagement hacking. Meta is confident that the introduction of topic tags will contribute to this goal while maintaining a user-friendly platform.

Instagram boss Adam Mosseri shared that the feature will allow users to connect with people interested in the topics they are discussing. It also provides a way to dive deeper into users’ interests and fosters healthy conversations. Marketers can refer to Search Engine Land’s Threads FAQ guide for more information on how the platform works and its benefits for advertisers.

The new topic tags feature is beneficial for marketers looking to enhance brand awareness on the Threads platform. It provides a user-friendly approach for users to discover and engage with brands. As Meta continues to work on integrating ads into Threads, marketers can use topic tags to gain exposure and generate organic traffic. Users can now connect with like-minded individuals through the sharing of specific topics, promoting healthy conversations within the Threads community.

Overall, this new feature by Meta’s Threads provides a streamlined approach for users to interact with brands and discover content of interest by utilizing topic tags. As marketers await the arrival of ads on Threads, they can leverage this feature to connect with users and increase brand visibility in the app.

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