YouTube steps up roll out of Shorts ads

Digital Marketing, Google, Paid social, PPC, YouTube

The article discusses the expansion of YouTube Shorts ads to more advertisers, as the feature transitions from beta to general availability. This new ad format allows marketers to choose Shorts ads as a video format and integrate them with in-stream ads and in-feed ads for the first time. While this feature is not yet available to all accounts, it will be rolled out to all advertisers in the coming months.

PPC consultant Kristian Maltzahn expressed excitement about the Shorts format, stating that it opens up a new approach to YouTube ads and aligns with the changing demand from consumers. He believes that the quick popularity of the format led to YouTube making it exclusively available for marketers. To access the YouTube Shorts ad format, advertisers can check for its availability in their YouTube Ads account under the Video section in the Efficient Reach section.

Google Ads plans to expand this feature to additional video campaign formats in the near future, and advertisers are encouraged to stay tuned for updates. A Google spokesperson mentioned that Ads on Shorts rolled out in 2022, and this year, new Shorts for awareness ad solutions were announced. Shorts in Video reach campaigns are now generally available to all advertisers, but YouTube Select Run of Shorts lineups remain in limited pilots. Additionally, YouTube Select lineups are Shorts-specific, and advertisers can opt in to Shorts or other surfaces within their campaigns.

The article also provides access to a deep dive guide for getting YouTube Shorts noticed for maximum engagement. The guide offers tips and tricks for maximizing the reach and effectiveness of Shorts ads. The author, Nicola Agius, is a Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land and covers paid search, paid social, and retail media. Prior to her current role, she held positions in journalism and SEO, accumulating over 15 years of experience in the industry.

Overall, the article highlights the expansion of YouTube Shorts ads to more advertisers and provides insight into the opportunities and benefits of incorporating this new ad format into digital marketing strategies.

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