Bing adds AI-generation captions to some search result snippets

by | Nov 15, 2023 | Bing, Bing SEO, Digital Marketing, SEO

Bing has recently made an announcement stating that it is now using AI to produce snippets for some of its search results. By utilizing GPT-4, Bing aims to enhance the relevance and informativeness of search results, helping users locate websites more efficiently. This move is part of Bing’s ongoing efforts to provide an improved search experience for its users.

Users can identify the AI-generated captions by clicking on the arrow next to the title link in the search results. These captions are labeled as “AI-Generated Caption,” as shown in a screenshot provided in the article.

The AI-generated captions are created using GPT-4, which analyzes the user’s search query and extracts relevant insights from web pages to generate easily digestible and highly relevant snippets. These snippets are tailored to each unique search query and may vary for different queries. While the generated text may not exactly mirror the wording found on the webpage, Bing assures users that it employs various signals and techniques to ensure the quality and accuracy of the generated content.

Furthermore, Bing provides guidance on how webmasters can block these AI-generated captions by using specific metatags such as NOCACHE, NOARCHIVE, MAXSNIPPET, and NOSNIPPET. Webmasters are encouraged to refer to Bing’s documentation on meta tags for additional information.

Users are advised to monitor their click-through rates on Bing Search for important keywords to gauge the impact of these AI-generated captions. This can be done by accessing the click-through rate data in Bing Webmaster Tools performance reports. By observing any changes in click-through rates, webmasters can assess whether the AI-generated captions are influencing user engagement with their content.

Overall, Bing’s use of AI to generate search result snippets signifies a significant development in the search engine’s efforts to enhance the user experience and the relevance of search results. As such, webmasters and SEO professionals should pay close attention to how these AI-generated captions may impact their website’s performance on Bing Search.

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