Google Search now supports discussion forum and profile page structured data

Digital Marketing, Google, Google Search Console, Google SEO, SEO

Google Search now supports discussion forum and profile page structured data, allowing the search results to display “first-person perspectives from social media platforms, forums, and other communities.” Additionally, Google has added new Search Console reports to support those who have added structured data to their pages.

The new profile page structured data and markup is designed for any site where creators, whether individuals or organizations, share first-hand perspectives. This markup will help Google highlight the creator’s name or social handle, profile photo, follower count, or the popularity of their content in the search results. This information is also available in the Perspectives and Discussions and Forums search result features. The new discussion forum structured data and markup are intended for any forum-style site where people collectively share first-hand perspectives. Google has updated its Q&A markup, aligning it to the new discussion forum guidelines.

Google added new Search Console reports to help site owners monitor discussion threads and profile page markup issues. These reports showcase valid items related to the marked-up pages. The company also updated the Rich Results Test to help users test and validate their markup.

With the new personalized search features, including how Google is promoting creators more in search through perspectives and other areas, it may make sense to implement these new structured data types. Although Google may not support these elements indefinitely, adding them to pages could potentially result in a higher click-through rate.

In conclusion, the support for discussion forum and profile page structured data in Google Search will allow the search results to include first-person perspectives from social media platforms and forums. The new structured data and markup for profile pages and discussion forums is designed to highlight creators’ names, profile photos, follower counts, and the popularity of their content. Google has also updated its Q&A markup and added new Search Console reports to help site owners monitor their structured data. Implementing these new structured data types may potentially result in a higher click-through rate, as Google continues to promote creators more in search through personalized features.

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